Lexi’s Favorite Reads

I am sorry for the lack of posts lately, but with a 10 month old life can get pretty busy. I have previously shared a post on how important it is to your child and I am still a firm believer on that subject.

I absolutely love reading to Lexi. Even though she isn’t old enough to understand a lot yet I honestly believe there are books that she really enjoys more than others. Maybe it’s the pitch in my voice, but today I want to share her favorite reads with you all. These are on constant rotation and yes that means some books get neglected, but why wouldn’t I read what makes her smile?

These below have been our go-tos for the past month or so.

What are some of your little one’s favorite books?





Mommy Hugs | Where’s Ellie | Will You Be My Sunshine | Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada | Everything is Mama | Giraffes Can’t Dance | Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

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